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Nova's Blade


I have yet to read this book, but I did read the excerpt, and let me tell you, I am definitely excited to get to it!

How about I share the excerpt with you as well?


Bellona’s up. She marches to the ring to a dead crowd. She has  no entrance music or theatrics.She focuses on the ring, holding  only a shield. 

“Bellona is an interesting Valkyrie,” the commentator Fox states. “The sheer power she has makes up for her lack of personality and words. We saw that during the 1 st round.” 

“Power worked for her before, but it ain’t gonna cut  it in the ring,” the other commentator Brom says. “You need  patrons, proper training, and great equipment, if you want to  survive this. That lone wolf act can only get her so far. Today  we’re going to see it end.” 

Pyro shoots up from the top of the ramp. From the fire steps  out Hybris in a fire proof suit. She takes off her suit and helmet,  revealing her armor. In her hand is a long metal chain hooked to  a curved blade. Dancing to the ring, she swings the blade in the  air, hurling words to the crowd. 

“I’m on fire tonight! I’m the baddest on this show!  Nobody can touch me!” she boasts. 

The crowd throws roses at Hybris. She earned a handful of  patrons for her brashness, claiming the Valkyries are nothing  to her. The internet lit up with fans and critics when she  mocked Bellona’s late mother who had committed suicide. 

Her armor is bright and thick, providing protection for her body.  The suit, weapon, and even the pyro is paid for by her patrons. I  can only imagine how plain my entrance will be. 

“Compared to what Hybris has, Bellona might as well have brought a slingshot!” Brom laughs.  Hybris shoves her blade to the camera. 

“I’ma cut her up,” Hybris teases. 

They meet in the center of the ring, face to face before the  bell. Bellona keeps her head down as Hybris dances up and  down, amusing the crowd. 

“Tell mommy I said hi,” Hybris laughs. 

They go back to their corners, and the bell rings. Hybris swings  the blade. Bellona puts the shield up, taking the hit. Before  Hybris can pull it back, Bellona grabs the chain and yanks it  forward, propelling Hybris towards her. Hybris screams in fright.  Bellona decks Hybris in the face with the shield, knocking her to  the ground covered in blood. Hybris’ teeth fly out. The crowd  awes as Bellona mounts Hybris and bashes her face in with the  shield. 

“Oh god!” Fox shrieks. 

“Bellona is turning Hybris’ face into a mud hole!” Brom yells. 

Bellona brings the shield down on Hybris’ throat, slicing her  head completely off. Hybris’ head rolls as blood spurts out her  body, painting the canvas. Bellona lifts Hybris’ head in the air, roaring with her bloody shield. The crowd erupts with cheers.  Fox comes up to Bellona with a microphone. 

“Bellona, how-.” 

Bellona storms past him with her trainer. The camera rolls back  to Fox. 

“Well like they say, actions speak louder than  words,” he states. 

Blaze enters the ring. He picks up Hybris’ head by the hair and swings it in the air. “Who wants her head?!” he yells. 

The crowd goes ballistic as he tosses it to them. The camera shows the crowd fighting over the head.  I’m in disbelief at the entire fiasco. As a kid it was a spectacle, but knowing I’ll be in it soon, is  unbelievable. I finally see the nature of this show for what it is. It’s barbaric and so are the people  cheering it on. Maximus turns off the tv. 

“Come on, continue with your training,” he states.

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