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This is not the Jess show - Review


Thank you Netgalley and Quirk Books for giving me the opportunity to read and review This Is Not the Jess Show by Anna Carey. When I tell you that this book was amazing, outstanding, spell-taking, and breathtaking all at once. I was enchanted and excited by the book, and as each chapter passed, I got more attracted to the world and the plot! Honestly, this is the most imaginative book I have read and I am so glad to have had the opportunity to read it because it is everything and anything you could ever want in a book! Jess Flynn is trying to survive high school in Swikley, 1998. Her home town, one that grew smaller everyday. One day during a peaceful night in Swickley, Jess discovers a device with an apple logo. As more cracks appear in her world, she cannot help but feel curious. She faces two choices ; can she live the rest of her life knowing it’s a lie, or should she risk everything for the truth? This is a YA mystery and thriller that will keep you hooked and keep the reader guessing all the way till the end. Honestly this reminds me so much of WandaVision by marvel and I absolutely loved that because it's my favorite show! As for the characters, at first I thought that Jess was boring, but as the cracks appeared, you could really see the vicious part of Jess, one who would fight for her life no matter what, and I came to love the character by the end! As for her sister Sarah, I loved her as well. The sisterly connection was so fun and cute to read about and it was just so nice seeing how Jess took care of her sister! Loved this book and it honestly exceeded my expectations!

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